
About 5.5 years ago, I left my 9-to-5 to freelance in marketing and technology.

While navigating that world, I took a part-time job in a wine shop (mainly for the discount and help with cash flow).

What followed was an unexpected deep dive into the wine industry where I passed two major wine exams in 6 weeks, hosted a virtual summit interviewing dozens of my wine heroes, won a wine award and traveled to London and then finally I landed a job as a marketing director at a wine storage company.

As someone who was outside, inside and now outside the industry again, my perspective breaks down the barriers preventing people from getting more enjoyment out of wine.

There’s no shortage of resources and education material out there, but they tend to be far too general or way too complicated for beginners. My book isn’t concerned with spewing wine facts but giving people a framework to explore wine fearlessly.

My working title is Wine Blueprint: The Three Essential Elements of Wine and How You Can Use Theme To Unlock A Lifelong Passion For Wine Learning and Appreciation.

It’s the book I wish that was available when I was starting out.

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