Create Your Own Wine Database

Happy Weekend,

One of the best things you can do as a wine beginner is keep track of the wines you drink.

Now, I love a good wine journal. It’s the absolute minimum of note taking for all wine learners. But the notes app on your phone isn’t the easiest for future reference.

That’s why I recommend a wine database.

Don’t worry. It’s as easy as creating a spreadsheet in Google Sheets.

It’s great solution for tracking your wines because it’s:

  1. Free
  2. Flexible
  3. Sortable
  4. Scalable
  5. Easy-to-use

A wine database puts you on the fast track to cataloging your wines.

But, telling you isn’t enough.

I want to show you how to do it.

So, I built a template that lets you start tracking your wines easily.

Here’s a free template you can copy and start your own Wine Database.

To help you get started, I created a quick overview video below.

Having trouble, you can watch the video here?

Once you start using a Wine Database, you’ll never go back.

It’s the best way to track your wines and make the best ones easier to find.

Thanks for your patience again this week as I’m continually working on Wine Blueprint OS.

Your friendly wine tutor,
